Fonmoney Chile
Frequently asked questions about money transfer from Chile with Fonmoney Chile
With Fonmoney Chile it is very simple to send money from Chile abroad. Here we tell you how to do it step by step: 
1. Create your user in is super simple and takes only a few minutes. 
2. Once registered, go back to 
3. Choose the country you want to send money to.
4. Choose the amount you want to send
5. Enter the recipient's details
6. Make the payment with the data that is reported through bank transfer. Important! Do not forget to reference the reference code of your transaction in the message. 
7. Clever! You will receive a confirmation email from us and we will also notify you when the deposit is made effective in the recipient's account.
With Fonmoney Chile we have enabled the following countries with which you can send money from Chile: 
1. Countries of the European Union (Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, France, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia, Greece, Malta , Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Cyprus, Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania.)

2. Countries of Great Britain : (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland.

3. Canada

4. United States

5. Mexico

6. Argentina

If the country to which you want to send money from Chile is not on this list, stay calm!; At Fonmoney we are working to expand our destinations.
Without a doubt, Fonmoney Chile SpA is a company incorporated in Chile and registered in the commercial registry as well as duly registered in the UAF (Financial Analysis Unit). The foregoing implies that we must have all the requirements demanded in the regulations in force in Chile, which ensures your money. In addition, being part of the Transpaygo holding company, we are subject to the European obligations and standards of the FCA. Finally we have more than 5 years of experience and 60,000 subscribed customers!
For transfers from Chile The financial service is provided by the direct subsidiary of the Transpaygo holding company, Fonmoney Chile SpA with address at MERCED 838 A INT OF 117 , Commune: SANTIAGO. Fonmoney Chile Spa is a company duly registered in the Financial Analysis Unit (UAF) under RUT: 77.486368-0
Do you have questions about your transactions or do you need additional information about our services? If so, simply contact our customer service through support We are happy to answer any questions that may arise.
Yes! We are working very hard to expand the list of countries to which you can send money from Chile.